quiqqer/frontend-users-cleanup Console tool and cron for mass-deleting users who meet certain criteria quiqqerfrontend-users Frontend-Benutzer - Benutzerkonten aufräumen
quiqqer/payment-paymill Paymill - Payment method for QUIQQER ERP stack Paymill Kreditkartenzahlung für QUIQQER ERP QUIQQER - Shop - Payments
quiqqer/payment-paypal PayPal - Payment method for QUIQQER ERP stack QUIQQER - Shop - Payments PayPal-Bezahlung für QUIQQER ERP
quiqqer/rabbitmqserver QUIQQER module to use RabbitMQ message queue with the QUIQQER queue manager quiqqerrabbitmqserver quiqqerqueuemanager