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Lagerverwaltung für deinen QUIQQER ERP Shop
Lagerbestände für einzelne Produkte verwalten und Verhalten für bestimmte Grenzwerte bestimmen
QUIQQER - Shop - Zollgebühren
Fügen Sie für Lieferungen ins Ausland individuelle Zollgebühren hinzu
Create different feeds for your project and / or website. The Feed Modul allows you to manage different types of feeds and multiple feeds, such as RSS, Atom, or Google Sitemap
Integrates Matomo (formerly PIWIK) in QUIQQER. Matomo is the leading open-source analytics platform that gives you more than just powerful analytics.
The Frontend Users module extends QUIQQER with a profile extension and a registration for users.
Verify any action via a special url with a unique hash (i.e. user registration, newsletter opt-in etc.)